How We Sold Our Soul–CEPI

The Articles in the Category cover a vast range of history not only in our country but in the world as well. The category is entitled “How We Sold Our Soul”. In many cases our history has hinged on compromises being made by the powers at be. They say hind-sight is 20/20, which is why I am discussing these land mark decisions in this manner. The people that made these decisions in many cases thought they were doing the right thing. However in some instances they were made for expediency and little thought was given to the moral ramifications and the fallout that would result from them. I hope you enjoy these articles. The initial plan is to discuss 10 compromises, but as time progresses I am sure that number will increase.

If you go to the website for CEPI or The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations it states that reason it was launched was as a global partnership launched  in 2017 to develop vaccines to stop future epidemics. One of the co-founders was Bill Gates, so that has to tell you something about the real reasons. They say a leopard can’t change his spots, if you believe that then you know what I am talking about. When Bill Gates was the CEO of Microsoft he was one of the most ruthless and unethical business men in the world. If he couldn’t destroy his competitors he bought them out. So if you expect him to turn over a new leaf since he stepped down, I am sorry I don’t believe it. I have included the 21 page mandate that was read to WHO in 2017 in the Addendum section in this article. If you read between the lines you can see that altruism is not the soul purpose behind this partnership. Knowing what I do about Bill Gates it will be difficult to do, but I will do my best to write an unbiased article about CEPI.

We want to create a world in which epidemics are no longer a threat to humanity.

CEPI wants to galvanize the development of new vaccines against diseases we know could cause the next devastating epidemic.

A global coalition for a global problem

Epidemic diseases affect us all. They do not respect borders. CEPI is a innovative global partnership between public, private, philanthropic, and civil society organizations. We’re working together to accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases and enable equitable access to these vaccines for people during outbreaks.

Creating a world in which epidemics are no longer a threat to humanity

CEPI is an innovative global partnership between public, private, philanthropic, and civil society organizations launched in Davos in 2017 to develop vaccines to stop future epidemics.

Our mission is to accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases and enable equitable access to these vaccines for people during outbreaks.

Strengthening global health security

Many organisations operate within the end-to-end space of vaccine funding and R&D implementation. However, a number of critical gaps have been identified, which CEPI was designed to fill.

First, CEPI will advance vaccines against known threats through proof-of-concept and safety testing in humans and will establish investigational vaccine stockpiles before epidemics begin—”just in case”.

Second, we will fund new and innovative platform technologies with the potential to accelerate the development and manufacture of vaccines against previously unknown pathogens (eg: within 16 weeks from identification of antigen to product release for clinical trials)—”just in time”.

Third, CEPI will support and coordinate activities to improve our collective response to epidemics, strengthen capacity in countries at risk, and advance the regulatory science that governs product development.

Create durable and equitable solutions for outbreak response capacity

A global coalition

CEPI is an innovative partnership between public, private, philanthropic, and civil organisations launched to develop vaccines to stop future epidemics.

Our headquarters are in Oslo, Norway, and we have offices in London, UK, and Washington DC, USA. We also work closely with public-sector, private-sector, and civil-society partners around the world.

A sustainable partnership

Our global coalition is ambitious both in its scope and in the breadth of organisations involved.

CEPI takes an end-to-end approach, operating as both a funder and a facilitator. We focus on vaccine development, licensure, and manufacturing while supporting the efforts of our partners in vaccine discovery and delivery.

A coordinated, international, and intergovernmental response is needed to respond to the global threat posed by emerging infectious disease. Therefore, close collaboration with our global partners will be crucial to the success of our work to develop vaccines against these diseases. 

CEPI’s commitment to tackling racism

A destructive legacy of racism has led to deeply entrenched implicit biases and institutional racism, which have hurt countless people for generations. These inequalities are widespread and, as we have seen in the current COVID-19 pandemic, have led to stark inequities in access to healthcare and poorer health outcomes for affected communities globally.

Tackling this inequality is core to CEPI’s mission to ensure fair access to all the vaccines we develop. Through our strategic partnerships in countries around the world we also seek to build vaccine Research & Development capacity, strengthen domestic expertise, and nurture scientific talent. In response to COVID-19, we’ve launched the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access (COVAX) initiative, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Gavi, to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines for all countries, at all levels of development.

Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

At CEPI we oppose modern slavery in all its forms, and we are committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our operations or our supply chain.

We are committed to improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking.


CEPI is a Norwegian Association. The primary governing body is the Board, which has 12 voting members (four investors and eight independent members representing competencies including industry, global health, science, resource mobilisation, finance) and five observers. All investors are invited to join our Investors Council, which nominates Investor representatives to the Board and has some rights including approval any single investments over $100 m.

Two additional bodies support and guide CEPI’s work: the Scientific Advisory Committee is the principal scientific advisory group to the Board and Secretariat and the Joint Coordination Group works with critical external stakeholders to advance CEPI’s portfolio of vaccines.

Our portfolio

Since our launch in 2017, CEPI has announced a number of funding calls to develop specific vaccine candidates or to fund research that can directly support development of vaccines against our priority pathogens.

Built on the principles of speed, scale and equitable access, CEPI is supporting the research and development of a diverse portfolio of vaccine candidates based on a range of vaccine approaches. CEPI has invested in 14 vaccine candidates, eleven of which are still in active development.

CEPI has initiated 12 partnerships to develop vaccines against COVID-19. The aim is to advance COVID-19 vaccine candidates into clinical testing as quickly as possible, with the goal to see three CEPI-supported COVID-19 vaccines through to licensure and available to priority populations through COVAX.

In addition to COVID-19, CEPI’s priority diseases include Ebola virus, Lassa virus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus, Nipah virus, Rift Valley Fever virus and Chikungunya virus. CEPI also invested in platform technologies that can be used for rapid vaccine development against unknown pathogens (Disease X).

The information I just provided is right from their website. I did not include every page, just the highlights. If you are interested in viewing the whole site you can go to

Exposed: The Truth about Soros, Fauci, and Gates Plan to Declare War on Humanity

A war has been declared on humanity — our health, our healthcare, our standard of living, our freedoms, and our very lives!

We are witnessing the power of Deep State using their billions in private “philanthropy”, propaganda, and persuasion purposely directed to flood into the ears of the people. To unsettle. To terrorize. To control… because fearful people are more easily controlled.

Our country and the entire world is being dismantled, piece by piece. We are seeing a paradigm shift between the governance of humanity and all things, and the cabal is pushing their ideology with a complete economic model and infrastructure that backs it all up. This highly orchestrated demonic system has taken over and eroded our health, our constitutional rights, the rights of humanity, and religious freedoms!

New World Order! The heavy- handed influence of the United Nations (UN) international and non-government organizations (NGOs) over our government and local policies is shockingly harsh as we stand by and watch our freedoms diminish.

And, yes, another lockdown and escalating limitations are possibly coming. International travel has not even opened up yet…

People need food and supplies… and yet, one of the most dangerous jobs in the country is truck driving!

77% of Truckers say they will refuse to deliver to cities where police are de-funded

Truckers are the lifelines to cities, bringing food, fuel, medicine and other essential items into cities (which are artificial constructs that depend on imports just to survive 

As explains, some of the responses from truckers include:

– I will not deliver to an area with a disbanded police department. My life matter and I do this for my family. We are already at the mercy of these towns and cities with laws and hate against us for parking, getting a meal or even using a restroom.

– For my own safety and security of my customers’ loads, I have already informed my dispatcher that I will refuse all loads to cities that have defunded their police departments.

Without truck loads full of goods, every city collapses into total chaos within 96 hours.  

Who will be stupid enough to drive trucks full of needed goods into radical socialist cities that have collapsed into chaos and “warlord” autonomous zones where police are banned?

Nobody, of course.

Warning: we are now in the final stages of disarmament! If the police are eliminated, the United Nations (UN) will take over and call in their peacekeepers. They already have a standing army. Internationalists use events like this to advance their goals in a highly coordinated effort toward a one-world government. Again, if the police are eliminated, these will be some of the final stages needed for Stage III of the UN Disarmament process as is laid out in State Department Document 7277 “Freedom from War.” At the end of Stage III, the only people allowed to have arms will be the UN Peacekeeping Forces and possibly Homeland Security! The following is from State Department Document 7277 under Stage III:

In Stage III progressive controlled disarmament and continuously developing principles and procedures of international law would proceed to a point where no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force and all international disputes would be settled according to the agreed principles of international conduct.
The progressive steps to be taken during the final phase of the disarmament program would be directed toward the attainment of a world in which:
(a) States would retain only those forces, non-nuclear armaments, and establishments required for the purpose of maintaining internal order; they would also support and provide agreed manpower for a U.N Peace Force.
(b) The U.N. Peace Force, equipped with agreed types and quantities of armaments, would be fully functioning.
(c) The manufacture of armaments would be prohibited except for those of agreed types and quantities to be used by the U.N. Peace Force and those required to maintain internal order. All other armaments would be destroyed or converted to peaceful purposes.
(d) The peace-keeping capabilities of the United Nations would be sufficiently strong and the obligations of all states under such arrangements sufficiently far-reaching as to assure peace and the just settlement of differences in a disarmed world.

Also, the United Nations (UN) is anything but a peacekeeper. They are a war organization, dear reader! In Article 42 of the UN Charter, it claims to have the authority to “take such action by air, sea or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace or authority.” The current Secretary-General of the UN is Antonio Guterres from Portugal. He is a socialist and was active in Socialist International which traces its origin back to First International, headed by Mr. Karl Marx. Socialist International is a non-government organization (NGO) that carries a Category 1 consultative status with the UN. Their logo is a hand grasping a simple red rose. (If you recall those beautiful red roses have poison in their prickly thorns, and in grasping a rose, it will severely stab you with painful thorns, fester, and infect… and if the splinters are not removed quickly, an infection can spread to the central nervous system and brain.) Moral of the story: Don’t get involved with Socialist International, the UN or groups associated with them! So, there you go. Heads up!

Click here for a past list of Secretaries-General dating back to 1946. The UN was founded by communists, for communists, with help from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) members who wanted a Socialist One World Government/New World Order! Secure Arkansas wanted to include some history for the Millennials who will soon be running the world: The founding Secretary-General of the UN was Alger Hiss who worked with Stalin and the entire Communist Party USA to launch the United Nations. A one-world government is what the CFR worked tirelessly on during the 20th century! All leaders at the UN are especially chosen to be socialists and leaders for a systematic One World Government… You are gonna love paying a world tax. (That’s sarcasm…)

Remember, these internationalists do NOT want borders or sovereign nations.

Click here if you need proof that our public officials are planning to remove all firearms and put our entire U.S. Armed Forces under Communist Control. Also, an organization, known as the Arms Control Association, will be behind the scenes supporting the globalist plan to disarm the population, and what THEY want to be done with their grant money!

A few of the supporters: The Open Society Foundation (George Soros’ group), the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Charles Koch Foundation, and the Pentagon Budget Campaign and the Colombe Foundation. Just look at the list of contributors (linked above). The UN mission is to dominate the entire world — our environment, our population, and especially our children! Also, global control includes total gun control. The UN has had a long history of ignoring Communist atrocities but will target non – communist nations and their leaders. The UN is the way forward to tyranny!

How did we get here?

Currently, we are witnessing riots in many cities around the world, along with a demand to “defund the police”. Are these riots funded and organized, and by whom? (Stay tuned.) Before that was a global shutdown of businesses and transportation, all based on an over-reaction to the man-made Coronavirus.

So, who are the criminal enterprises and masterminds behind this globalist plot? The agenda is evil, and the tsunami of players is many.

Right now, we are looking at the bent billionaire Bill Gates, the beguiling front man being used by the rich and powerful global elite for questionable activities that bring together funding and control billions of dollars. Never believe he was just a self-made billionaire. He was screened, recruited, and appointed!

He knows how to get a monopoly and how to manipulate the patenting system via the foreign U.S. Patent Office, especially to push new drugs and mandatory vaccines. (Looks like Mr. Gates went from commercializing computer viruses to real viruses…)

According to this FoxNews Report video, Bill Gates paid WHO to declare Coronavirus a Pandemic. (It’s only 4 minutes long and worth the watch.) On April 15, 2020, Gates Tweeted: “Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds… The world needs @WHO now more than ever.”

As Laura Ingraham says in the video, “Well, the truth is… the group actually needs Gates more than ever. With the U.S. taking a pause, he’ll now be their largest active donor. “

He definitely has a lot of money invested…

Secure Arkansas believes that the United States halting funding to the WHO is the BEST thing that could happen to us! People need to realize that we can take control over our own health care, rather than relying on corrupt, self-serving organizations like WHO, CDC, and other world leadership, associations, and even countries like China which supplies the US with most of their medications. Dependence on China puts us at a disadvantage and could short us anti-biotics, generics, and drugs with no alternatives.

Bill Gates doesn’t do anything for which he doesn’t receive a return on his investment…

Here’s an article with surprising details:  Bill Gates is Donating $50 Million to Speed Up the Development of a Coronavirus Treatment — March 11, 2020

Check this out, from the article:

Funded through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the donation program ––dubbed the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator––is a whopping $50 million to be dispersed to 12 pharmaceutical companies and biotech firms which are actively looking to find an effective vaccine against the coronavirus. But that donation comes with a crucial caveat: the successful company or companies must make the vaccine affordable and accessible to even the world’s poorest regions. 

However, that makes the world’s poorest regions extremely susceptible to vaccine trials and experiments. Remember what happened in Africa and India?  Trust Bill Gates with more vaccines and healthcare? Are you kidding? Bill Gates, the “vaccine guru,” is a parasite! How can we trust a man with developing a Coronavirus vaccine when he has a track record like this —  nearly HALF A MILLION CHILDREN PARALYZED in India from Gates’ Polio vaccine! Looks like we’ll all either be maimed… or paralyzed from a Gates vaccine! But India was intelligent enough to give him and his vaccine the boot… and Polio paralysis rates steeply dropped.

The Gates’, their cohorts, and more money:  Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and Mastercard Launch Initiative to Speed Development and Access to Therapies for COVID-19   — March 10, 2020

Below are a couple of snippets from the article:

The Gates Foundation and Wellcome are each contributing up to $50 million, and the Mastercard Impact Fund has committed up to $25 million to catalyze the initial work of the accelerator. The Gates Foundation’s funding is part of its up to $100 million commitment to the COVID-19 response announced last month.

The COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator will work with the World Health Organization, government and private sector funders and organizations, as well as the global regulatory and policy-setting institutions. The Accelerator will have an end-to-end focus, from drug pipeline development through manufacturing and scale-up. By sharing research, coordinating investments, and pooling resources, these efforts can help to accelerate research. This kind of collaboration was a key lesson from the 2014 Ebola outbreak. By providing fast and flexible funding at key stages of the development process, the Accelerator will de-risk the pathway for new drugs and biologics for COVID-19 and future epidemic threats, ensuring access in lower-resource countries.

Global Pharma industry unites behind Covid-19 Therapeutics Accelerator. They have jumped into bed with Bill Gates to control medical policy of people of the world. Unfortunately, Big Pharma will profit from the Coronavirus, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator (The site is hosted and maintained by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.)

Founding and Core Donors:

  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation  $50 Million
  • Mastercard  $50 Million
  • Wellcome     $25 Million

Contributing Donors:

  • Alwaleed Philanthropies
  • Avast Foundation
  • Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
  • EQT
  • JPB Foundation
  • Madonna
  • Michael & Susan Dell Foundation
  • U.K. Department for International Development
  • Zhang Yiming

Here’s another article regarding the World Health Organization’s (WHO) declaring COVID-19 a Pandemic on March 11, 2020:  WHO Director-General’s opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19

  • We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.

So, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Coronavirus a pandemic on March 11, 2020 — the day after Bill Gates contributed $50 million into the Therapeutics Accelerator…

Doesn’t that seem very fishy? And pre-planned?

Check out another example:  The Gates Foundation met with Contact Tracing participants and the Drafter of H.R.6666 MONTHS before the Coronavirus!

And are you aware that, currently, there are 66 CO-Sponsors of that bill?

Here’s the full bill, H.R. 6666 on, and here’s the PDF version
From the bill:

  • Section 1. Short Title “This Act may be cited as the “COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act”.
  • Section 2. COVID-19 Testing and Contact Tracing Using Mobile Health Units –In General.- The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, may award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts, through—-
    1. mobile health units; and
    2. as necessary, testing individuals and providing individuals with services related to testing and quarantine at their residences.

This is a MUST-READ:  EXCLUSIVE: Bill Gates Negotiated $100 Billion Contact Tracing Deal With Democratic Congressman Sponsor of Bill Six Months BEFORE Coronavirus Pandemic

From the article:

The investigative duo, in their first interview since that bombshell Congressional testimony, revealed to Paine that representatives from the Gates Foundation met with U.S. Congressman Bobby L. Rush at a sit down in Rwanda, East Africa in mid August 2019 to hash out who would score the windfall from a government contact tracing program. And just last month — nine months after the meetings with the Gates Foundation in Rwanda — Rush, a Democrat from Illinois, introduced the $100 BILLION H.R. 6666, the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act.

Rush’s bill would establish a program run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for national coronavirus testing and contact tracing.

Paine has since learned Congressman Rush traveled to Rwanda with his spouse from August 12th to 19th, 2019 to take part in talks and a week-long event underwritten by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

But how can you negotiate the byproducts of monitoring a pandemic six to seven months before the outbreak of the virus even happens?

If you want to listen to the details in the 2-hour podcast, click here.

Here we go again! The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (a private foundation) have been involved in EVERY global health initiative for the last 20 years. Here are the officers, Gates’ executive leadership team, standing ready at his every command involving global health, global development, global growth and opportunity, global policy and advocacy, United States Programs, and other suspicious operations and strategies that threaten the public. Gates funds, advises, and sits on the board of all kinds of global health initiatives, making people accountable to him. Examples would be GAVI, the Global Fund. and Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

Behind closed doors: See what the global elite is planning! CEPI was founded in Davos by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and the World Economic Forum. CEPI has a Joint Coordination Group, and current members of the Joint Coordination Group include: WHO, GAVI, EMA, FDA, MSF, UNICEF, IFRC, AVAREF, NIBSC, and Wellcome. CEPI seeks to accelerate the development of Gates vaccines and collects vaccine data.  (Davos is the informal name of the annual four-day conference held by The World Economic Forum in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland. Davos is primarily attended by middle-aged men. Attendance is by invitation only, according to CBS News reporting January 2020.)

A little more insight into the Global Elite operating in the New World Order: The devilishly dedicated “Davos Men’s Private Club” has members who view themselves as completely international. They are the type of people who have little need for any national loyalty: they view national boundaries as obstacles that should vanish and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the élite’s global operations. Click here to see some of the Strategic Partners involved in the World Economic Forum. Examples are the same old players: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Mastercard, Facebook, Google, and Wellcome Trust, etc. Naming just a few Partners like WalMart, Sanofi, Solvay, Bayer, Apple, Carlyle Group, Cargill, Open Society Institute, Soros Fund Management, etc. Here are some Industry Affiliation examples: AT&T, Aerospace, Centene, Pfizer, Tyson Foods, and YMCA of the U.S., etc.

Globalization Policies! This article released in June 2020 entitled “The Great Reset”  from the World Economic Forum that was held in January 2020. 

HRH The Prince of Wales and Klaus Schwab at Davos in January.
Image: REUTERS/Denis Balibouse

Secure Arkansas views the World Economic Forum as an instrument for corrupt political and business leaders to make decisions without being accountable to their electorate or shareholders. Also, whenever we mention “the global elite”, this is an example to whom we are referring: 

Among others, Prince Charles, Kristalina Georgieva, António Guterres and Sharan Burrow speak at the launch of the Great Reset.
Image: World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum has had broad coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic by controlling their scientific findings, government strategies, and propaganda given out about our health in this pandemic scare. Do you think you should still trust them with your health and their mandatory vaccinations? Is it for our global good… or for their private wealth enhancement? Is there a depopulation agenda?

Yes, and it’s being implemented through corrupt organizations such as WHO, CDC, GAVI, and the like which are basically masquerading as angels of light…

More about WHO and GAVI:

WHO Director-General’s remarks at GAVI replenishment — June 4, 2020 (from the WHO’s own website)

  • The immunization infrastructure that the Gavi Alliance has helped build over the past 20 years will be essential for fulfilling that duty.
  • Now is the moment for all of us to fully fund Gavi to ensure it continues to prevent, protect and prosper.

Also, EVERY facet of this COVID-19 pandemic involves Gates through individuals, groups, and private organizations (such as NGOs) that depend on his funding. Global pharmaceutical companies have a special public-private partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The foundation has invested in the same companies/corporations it is funding, so Gates will promote the interests and profitability of those companies. Big Pharma and agriculture would be examples. Let’s not forget that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had owned shares in the evil company Monsanto that patented seeds and shoved deadly chemicals in their GMO crops, tainting the food chain, along with genetically modified (GM) research that Gates promoted. This 2012 article entitled, “Why is the Gates Foundation helping Monsanto push GMOs?“should NOT be forgotten! The Gates private foundation continues to exist as unaccountable for inquiring minds.

Gates is NOT a medical doctor and has no medical training, experience, or background… but advises global public health policies through WHO, CDC, and other organizations! This sinister influence trickles down into local policy, including the harmful CDC vaccine schedule. Doctors offices all over the world are carrying out health care and vaccine schedules dictated by corrupt officials and organizations such Gates and WHO. (We need to pause and think about the newborns and little children who are being dosed with multiple vaccinations, and their little immune systems are absolutely being overwhelmed… There are now 16 different vaccines given in 46 doses to our little children by the time they turn 5 years old! This is insane!)

MONEY TALKS! The CDC’s guidelines for this COVID-19 crisis and their insidious vaccine schedule should awaken most people. (Remember, if mandatory vaccination starts, it will be in the state legislatures. Lobbying the legislatures has already started.)

The syndicate medical monopolies have to be broken up! Check out the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation tax filing filed in 2018 for calendar year 2017 (990-PF IRS 2017). From this return, you can tell that the Gates Foundation heavily influences and may even control the health policies of the USA through the CDC, NIH, NIAID, WHO, and the following five individuals:

  • Robert R. Redfield – CDC Director & Member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, co-founder of the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine who has received $31.8 million from the Gates Foundation.
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci – NIAID Director & Member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force
  • Dr. Deborah L. Birx – CDC Medical Officer & Response Coordinator for White House Coronavirus Task Force (She is also using the Bill Gates-funded model to scare the American public); member of the Global Fund, founded by Bill Gates.
  • Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph. – NIH Director
  • Steve Hahn – FDA Commissioner; has partnered with the Gates Foundation (under the review of the FDA means noting)

There’s an enormous amount of money involved in this scheme of arrangement.

Total amount of money donated by the world’s largest private foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation:

CDC $ 1,876,786

CDC Foundation $ 19,844,092

NIH  $ 3,137,774

NIH Foundation $ 4,035,415

NAID $ 2,838,684

WHO $328,466,154

Total $360,198,905 

Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci have a conflict of interest with Bill Gates and need to resign immediately! Better yet, shouldn’t Dr. Fauci be sued for malpractice? This old Rockefeller medical monopoly must be stopped.

It seems Big Pharma, Dr. Fauci, Deborah Birx, etc. partnered with Gates, and we know he has great influence in ALL the medical arenas!

Remember: Dr. Anthony Fauci is on the leadership council for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. And Dr. Deborah Birx is a board member for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuburculosis, and Malaria… which was founded by the Gates Foundation and is known for millions of dollars of fraudulent misuse of funds. Fauci has touted his war on AIDS. He took the research money, but it never went anywhere… to this day, AIDS remains a special threat to the public.

A small sample of the wealth some have accumulated as government employees is shown below.

Secure Arkansas has requested Financial Disclosures of the key personnel at CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, and they are listed as follows:

CDC Medical Officer & Response Coordinator for White House Coronavirus Task Force Dr. Deborah L. Birx

  • Click here for the Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report: Periodic Transaction Report (OGE Form 278e)

FDA Commissioner, Stephen M. Hahn M.D.

  • Click here for the Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report: Periodic Transaction Report (OGE Form 278 T)
  • Click here for the Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report: Periodic Transaction Report (OGE Form 278e)
  • Click here for the Certificate of Divestiture (OGE 2019-147)

NIH Director, Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D.

  • Click here for the Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report: Periodic Transaction Report (OGE Form 278e)

NIAID Director Dr. Anthony S. Fauci

  • Click here for the Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report: Periodic Transaction Report (OGE Form 278e) from March 2014
  • Click here for Revocable Trust Transactions 2019
  • Click here for Defined Benefit Plan Transactions 2019
  • Click here for Contributory IRA
  • Click here for Spouse (Christine Grady) Revocable Trust (Notice the redaction)
  • Click here for Spouse (Christine Grady) IRA Contributory (Notice the redaction)

Dr. Fauci is cunningly saying that we are likely to see another, even more severe pandemic affect the world! Moreover, we could be in for a bad Fall 2020 or that the Coronavirus could come back in cycles. Do NOT be surprised to see a mutated version of COVID-19 or a COVID-20, as Dr. Anthony Fauci owns several  U.S. patents that contain a key glycoprotein (HIV Component) used to create COVID-19. And don’t be surprised if Fauci stole the research papers from scientists to do it. Wasn’t he, as part of Robert Gallo’s team, involved in stealing research papers from French scientists on HIV and claiming the discovery of the virus as their own?

Was COVID-19 created in a laboratory? Could it have been used as a bio-weapon? Absolutely! Read our past article about that here.

*Important WHO documents! We cannot afford to sit back and let the criminal World Health Organization (WHO) set the rules and direct our response to this pandemic! WHO has lied since the beginning of the outbreak, stating there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission. WHO has depended on the United States and Bill Gates for most of its funding. Here’s the WHO 2017 document for voluntary contributions. Also, we want to include this WHO chart for 2018 and 2019. Secure Arkansas wrote an article entitled COVID-19 Cesspool of Corruption and mentioned WHO’s Director, Tedros Ghebreyesus — his political career “began at the politburo of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPFL), a terrorist organization of the Tigray minority ethnic group (6% of the Ethiopian population), listed in the U.S. Homeland Security Global Terrorism Database for a series of kidnappings, bombings and armed robberies.”

But, let’s NOT forget the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust! The trust manages the endowment assets, and grants distributed from the foundation can benefit the trust.

Moreover, we should not be remiss to include the Bill and Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute, a non-profit biotechnology organization headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts developing vaccines, or so-called interventions. We see this as a type of “research” being skewed toward diseases of the rich, while poorer countries are on the experimental stage for human vaccine trials. The Gates Foundation stated,

…capitalizing on new strategies that could increase the identification, selection, and optimization of novel candidates for drugs, vaccines, diagnostics, and medical devices.

If you are thinking that the billionaire Bill Gates is concerned about your health, think again. This is about population control, money, and a sinister global agenda! Gates’ wealth increases constantly.

Here’s an alarming article written June 10, 2020 — Depopulation globalist Melinda Gates already pushing experimental COVID-19 vaccines on “people of color” as the target group to vaccinate first

Gates advises world leaders on everything from global warming to family planning, despite having NO experience or background on any of these issues. The Gates Foundation is unaccountable and reports only to their trustees — which happen to be themselves — and to Warren Buffett.

Gates has bought his way into the world’s most influential and powerful places! Gates’ private philanthropy is affecting social issues across the planet… and to the detriment of all!  

The elite globalists are NOT the source we need, and the rich do NOT have all the answers.

Excerpt from the Full Transcript of Guns and Butter Interview with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner.

Bonnie Faulkner: What is CEPI? What does that stand for? Is this a vaccine organization?

Michel Chossudovsky: Yes. The CEPI is a very important body and also actor in this whole process. It is the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, and it is essentially part of the World Economic Forum/Gates partnership. They made an announcement quite early in the game to the effect that they would be funding several programs to develop vaccines against the so-called coronavirus. At that time it was called nCoV-2019. The CEPI works in consultation with the Gates Foundation and the WEF, and it also is tied into the pharmaceutical industry. Their major partner is GlaxoSmithKline.


It is quite evident that a pandemic was in the planning, they may not have known about COVID-19 but they were certainly hedging their bets on one coming down the pipeline. We were due for it. With all the money flowing, it is no wonder they got hospitals and doctors to go along with it. Because OPEI is multi-national, it is virtually impossible to monitor and to tax. They can say they are non profit. when we know very well that they are getting shares in every company they are “investing” in. When you are talking about billions of dollars, life has little meaning. Besides we are over populated. Is that why China is relaxing their 2 child maximum per family and allowing 3 children now. They finally realized how powerful their population is.

Resources, “Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).” By John-Arne Rottingen;;, “Exposed: The Truth about Soros, Fauci, and Gates Plan to Declare War on Humanity”;, “Fact check: Bill Gates is not planning to microchip the world through a COVID-19 vaccine.” By Matthew Brown and Elizabeth Weise; COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.” By Peter R. Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin;, “Prof Michel Chossudovsky: COVID-19 Coronavirus: The Crisis.” By Tham Khao;


I included this Fact Check below, though I am doubtful about its authenticity. If Bill Gates was not for implantable microchips why did he spend so much money on them?

Fact check: Bill Gates is not planning to microchip the world through a COVID-19 vaccine

The claim: Bill Gates intends to secretly implant microchips in people using the coronavirus vaccine

Bill Gates has long been the target of conspiracy theories about his vast fortune and charitable giving. But claims about the tech tycoon have reached a fever pitch in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

“Gates wants us microchipped and Fauci wants us to carry vax certificates,” reads one Facebook post with 22,000 shares. The same language has appeared on multiple posts on the platform.

“Due to the large number of people who will refuse the forthcoming covid-19 vaccine because it will include tracking microchips, the Gates Foundation is now spending billions of dollars to ensure that all medical and dental injections and procedures include the chips so that the only way to avoid being ‘chipped’ will be to refuse any and all dental and medical treatment,” another viral post on Facebook reads.

The claim has also gone viral on Spanish language pages and media, with some casting Gates as the mastermind of a massive conspiracy that echoes several other claims, including that Gates helped write the House Democrats’ proposed legislation, the TRACE Act.

Gates is not planning on implanting microchips in people around the world through vaccines. The claim has been debunked multiple times since the beginning of the pandemic, however, the allegation persists in many online corners.

Gates denies microchip conspiracy theory

“I’ve never been involved any sort of microchip-type thing,” Gates said in a call with reporters on June 3, adding, “It’s almost hard to deny this stuff because it’s so stupid or strange.”

Gates meant for the call to be an announcement of another $1.6 billion in funding for immunization in lower-income countries, but the rampant conspiracy theories still came up. Many conspiracy theorists have claimed that Gates’ donations to public health efforts in developing countries are secretly mind-control efforts.

“In a way, it’s so bizarre you almost want to see it as something humorous, but it’s really not a humorous thing,” Gates said.

The coronavirus pandemic is ripe for misinformation.

“It’s frightening, it’s hard to understand, it’s required governments to restrict individual freedoms, and it will lead to mass vaccinations,” Matthew Hornsey, a social psychologist at the University of Queensland in Australia who studies scientific messaging, told USA TODAY. “That’s a perfect storm for conspiracy theories.”Get the Checking the Facts newsletter in your inbox.

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There is no evidence that Gates or any major institution is trying to implant microchips in people through COVID-19 vaccines. Gates and others have repeatedly denied the claims.

Regardless, a May 20 Yahoo News/YouGov poll found that 44% of Republicans and 19% of Democrats believe Gates is planning to implant microchips in billions of people.

“This illness has been so severe I thought the anti-vaccine folks would be more muted in their approach, but this is apparently not the case,” William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine and infectious disease at Vanderbilt University, told USA TODAY.

“Here, people have a single issue that they have rallied behind; they don’t trust vaccinations. Conspiracy theories are then selectively embraced to justify that feeling,” Hornsey said.

“That’s why people are prepared to believe ideas that seem strange and ridiculous to the rest of us. They want to believe it, so they set a very low bar for evidence.”

The origins and allure of the microchip conspiracy theory

Rich and famous people are frequently the center of conspiracy theories. The fact that Gates is a vocal proponent of public health initiatives long scrutinized by conspiratorial-minded groups only makes him an even riper target.

It is possible that the conspiracy theory partly originated from a December study published by a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The study was funded, in part, by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The team had developed an “approach to encode medical history on a patient” by including a small amount of dye with a vaccine. The dye, which would be invisible to the naked eye but observable through a specialized cellphone app using infrared light, would keep a record of a child’s vaccines. The technique may be especially useful in developing countries, where record keeping is often more difficult.

The study never experimented on humans and did not involve any hardware technology, like microchips.

“The quantum dot dye technology is not a microchip or human-implantable capsule and to my knowledge there are no plans to use this for coronavirus,” Kevin McHugh, a lead author on the study, told Reuters.

Gates and his foundation have supported contact tracing efforts around the globe. The Gates Foundation has also funded vaccine efforts in developing countries over the years. These individual facts often combine online into narratives like the Gates microchip conspiracy theory, with no substantiating evidence.

“The fear of insertion of tracking chips and other things like that into our bodies has been a longstanding bogeyman for theorists,” Mark Fenster, a University of Florida law professor, told PolitiFact.

“There is a lot of tracking that goes on, but the suggestion that it’s being used in this manner and this way seems absurd,” he said.

Promotion of digital certificates

Others have also tried to link claims that Gates wants to create a “digital certificate” or “digital identity” for all people with the microchip conspiracy theory. Gates has said that some kind of “immunity certificate” may be necessary to reopen the economy, but the intended idea is far from mass surveillance or microchipping.

“Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person and who’s a vaccinated person, because you don’t want people moving around the world where you’ll have some countries that won’t have it under control,” Gates said in a TED Talk in March.

That certificate would not be a physical implant or chip, but rather a digital item one could have on their smartphone or other personal device, as Gates later explained.

Anxieties about mass surveillance are a persistent issue in the digital age, further exacerbating conspiracy theories about the potential for microchipping from famous tech tycoons or the federal government.

Our ruling: False

There is no evidence Bill Gates is trying to implant microchips in people around the world through COVID-19 vaccines. And Gates has denied the claim.  We rate this claim FALSE because it is not supported by our research.

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