The Making And Life Of A World Traveler: Well Almost–Chapter Twenty-eight–Sometimes You Just Have to do it

Sometimes you just have to take the bull by the horns and do it. You only live once. This became apparent on our last trip in Utah. It seemed like our plans had been thwarted at every turn. The weather had beaten the living shit oyt of us. I told Connie that I am not going to let the weather interfere with anymore of our plans. I said if we get stuck on these damn dirt roads so be it. As it turned out the roads were not as bad as they had been reported and we were able to see the Mars Research Station. While the station was cool, the scenery leading up to it was better. By the way it turns out that it does rain on Mars. LOL

Over the years my mother had always said that I couldn’t do things, because they were either too hard or maybe even dangerous, Every time she said this , it just made me want to do it even more. From my first triathlon to my Iron Man race and my marathons. Even to my taking up scuba diving and doing a tandem skydiving jump. If it is something you want to see and you have the means to do it just do it. I guarantee that you will have regrets if you don’t do it. I am also saying don’t risk your life to do something stupid. For instance if it is raining don’t do hiking in a slot canyon, that is just plain dumb. We had a chance to hike Buckskin Gulch at the end of our trip, and we decided not to do it. As it turns out over twenty people had to be airlifted out of the slot canyon on the day we were supposed to hike it.

I still want to dive or snorkel in the Red Sea and fly in a hot air balloon, and I will do it before I die. If you know anything about me is that when I set a goal I do it.